If upgrading from a pre We decided that git was sufficiently advanced over svn, our old version control system, that it warranted the effort spent to convert. Go to the object editor for the new space It is something like: These release notes are compounded from the release notes from each release in the 3. Inside this object, go down to fields Panels displayed on the left: Panels displayed on the right: Note you should add xwiki. xwiki 3.1

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How to duplicate a Space. Make sure you backup your Database before doing anything. Attachments 2 History Information. WysiwygEditorConfigTemplate first, then continue with a normal import. You can check the manual test report to learn about what was tested and the results on various browsers.

xwiki 3.1

As a consequence, the structure of the repositories, the version numbers of the applications, plugins and build tools, as well as the structure of the projects on the issue tracker have changed. If you are a developer who uses git then you already know what this means to you, you can participate in the XWiki development process by forking git speak for copying the source repository rather than being forced to provide patches to the benevolent committers who will accept or reject your patches at their pleasure.

Back to Simple User Guide. Let us know What do you think about our product? Go to the page xwiik We are excited to xwikj what you will create!

If upgrading from a pre If you configure your wiki to work with an office server LibreOffice or OpenOffice as described in the Office Importer Application you'll notice a new entry in the export menu as long as you are connected to the office server. If you have an existing wiki and you are upgrading to 3. We've setup a Jira dashboard to present the work done for the whole 3.

XWiki Network - XWiki Enterprise Documentation Packages

xwiku This means that the version number confusion will stop, since everything has the same release version. Release Notes for XWiki Enterprise 3. In summary, issues have been closed by 9 committers and other contributors providing patchesout of which 10 are new features, 40 are improvements and 96 are fixed bugs.

Always make sure you compare your xwiki.

Discussion 7

Over the course of the 3. You will want to "Add Object" to the space menu on the right of the page Typically, you need to: We decided that git was sufficiently advanced over svn, our old version control system, that it warranted the effort spent to convert.

Admin Guide All topics Installation Configuration. For the record, here is a short manual of how to duplicate a Space with the current xWiki version it may be simpler with the future new version For example, creating an AnnualConference space from the AnnualConference space.

How to duplicate a Space

Note you should add xwiki. If you want to make something great but there's a part of the XWiki xwiiki which is holding you up, you can go right ahead and fork it into your own repository where you can fix it and share the results. With the current xWiki version we have, the copied space has no object attached to it. If you are installing a new wiki, the following preferences will not be available to the XWikiPreferences or WebPreferences objects.

If you exclude the XWiki. WebHome for example 2 creating copies of the panels menus Go to the page http: That mean that each time a user do a major modification to a document or create one it's automatically added it the user watchlist. Panels displayed on the right: NewMenuName 3 xwlki the new panels to the new space this is a bit tricky Go to the object editor for the new space It is something like: These plugins are very old and were almost never used.

xwiki 3.1

You may also want to import the default wiki XAR in order to benefit from the improvements listed above. These plugins are still available in the retired source code repository. This is the final release of XWiki Enterprise 3.


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